Remon Rooij is an associate professor Spatial Planning & Strategy. He specialises in strategic planning, among others in relation to issues of quality of life, greening the city, and urban health. Besides, Remon has a key interest in pattern language approaches, which support students to bridge research and design.

As graduation mentor in the MEP studio, Remon is particularly interested in projects that (also) focus on the governance side of things: implementation, development, and transformation strategies; stakeholder assessment and involvement; inter- and transdisciplinary approaches; phasing, timelines & priorities; policy making.

Selection of graduees supervised in the past years:

– Brink, L. van den (2021). In-between nature. MSc Urbanism. Urban Ecology & Eco-cities studio

– Oevelen. L. van (2022). (Re)Carbon Cities. MSc Urbanism. Urban Ecology & Eco-cities studio

– Roode, M. de (2021). Compact nature for compact cities. MSc Urbanism. Urban Ecology & Eco-cities studio.

– Wang, J. (2022). Live with Water: A sustainable water-oriented urban development pattern, the Lake Chao Basin as a study case. MSc Urbanism. Urban Metabolism studio